But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Drownded Tricycle.

Today's cycle ride was interesting, at times it became very interesting while not actually taking on the attributes of the ancient Chinese curse. The saga started a few days ago when it was realised that the published meeting place was wrong and so a correction was sent out to everybody. When this happened last year a new member turned up at the original start but, since I had had the foresight to go to there, he had an enjoyable day out and has since been out on several other runs. Today no-one came, so I was by myself until the lunch stop.

I had planned the morning route using my normal technique, that is: plotting the start and finish points on my mapping software and then dragging the computer generated route away from areas that I wish to avoid; finally I transfer the route onto my satnav. The results can be unexpected and, since I often don't check the result too carefully, surprises occur on the road and, sometimes, off it as well. When I lead a run, it is not wise to ask which route we are taking

Along the canal, I came across this sorry sight and stopped to photograph it. As I was by myself, I had the luxury of being able to take my time; even so, the first shot was not framed as I had intended but, when I checked it, I liked the result and kept it.

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