Welcome to my world...

By KatJ

Shooting some pool

The husband decided to work from home even though the rest of us are off work/school. Always fun trying not to make too much noise or get in his way whilst he spreads himself, his laptop and his papers all over the dining table!

The boy decided he was going to take himself off to the cinema so he arranged to meet a (new) school friend in Wimbledon town centre.

I took the daughter and one of her friends bowling which was fun (not least because it was so non competitive!)

Invited both the kids friends back for some tea. It was nice to meet Ol's new High School friend. I'm pleased that he is branching out a bit from the security of his Primary School friends.

Finished the day with a class at the gym, which just about finished me!

Incidentally, although it's not an official Blip bday it is a year to the day that I started blipping again and although I've not managed a blip every day I have kept the momentum going this time :-)

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