Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Buttery Rose

Just before the dark of evening arrived, I had the where-with-all to step outside with my iPhone to capture this photo. This has not been a photo-taking-day.

At nine this morning, I delivered the three pooches to the groomer's shop (or as some now refer to it "The Dog Spa" -- good grief). Chloe, Mitzi, and Max all desperately needed a bath. It's a costly adventure, but these partners in crime would tell you it is so worthwhile. I truly appreciate Nikki's Pet Spa because they took such good care of our former dog -- "Bob" dog. When his life ended in June of 2010, the folks at Nikki's were genuinely sorry. It was almost 8 months later when Chloe joined our family and then another 6 weeks and Mitzi & Max joined us, and soon I was making an appointment at Nikki's Pet Spa for these three to get a bath. A celebration broke loose when I arrived at Nikki's early in 2011 with these newest members of our family -- one white, one carmel, and one as black as black can be. The three of them have more than tripled our fun.

So I should have taken a picture of the pooches today, but I did not.

I should have taken a picture of the large stack of college essays I am currently grading, but I did not.

The yellow rose bush on the fountain side of the house does a phenomenal job of supplying me with photo fodder when nothing else is available for a photo. I truly miss having a camera that takes a quality photo, but soon I'll have a new phone with a decent camera.

So that has been the extent of my day and I need to get myself ready to walk out the door in the morning and then I can go to bed and snuggle with Mr. Fun. At the moment, he is sound asleep on the sofa.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Our friend Randy, whose wife, Stephanie, died September 13, wrote on his wife's memorial page these words today:

"Many of my good friends and family have urged, pushed, and encouraged me to go to a grieving class. Went to two; I was the youngest there at age 56 -- the next youngest was 79, not my cup of tea. Went to the Grove Community Church's men's fellowship and bible class tonight - I think, as Stephie would have said, I think I have found a home. Love you babe."

We are pleased for Randy.

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