Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Shoe shopping nightmare

I've been delaying buying shoes for my sister's wedding for as long as I can. I'd planned on delaying until at least the end of September but we've been invited to a wedding reception at the start of October so shoe shopping could be delayed no longer.

Don't get me wrong, I love pretty shoes but buying them is nearly impossible. I've loved looking at all the gorgeous styles of cute little shoes that are available, fallen in love with many pairs and then hit my problem. I'm cursed with stupid wide feet which don't fit the general narrow style and deformed toes that won't even consider going in to most styles of court shoe or strappy sandle. This is why I usually live in flat, roomy trainers. After trying on many pairs, I eventually found the pair above, comfiest of the lot and fairly pretty too. Do you know how hard it is to photograph your own feet in poor light!?

I decided whilst I was out, I'd also have a look for a dress for the reception as I only own a couple and they don't fit too well at the minute. When I didn't need a dress, debenhams was full of beautiful dresses that I would have loved to wear. But now it's winter. That means you can only wear strong colours or black. I don't suit bright red, vivid purple or shocking blue! Any one any suggestions of good dress shops for subtler colours?

Sorry I've been slack with posting and commenting lately. I have barely a free minute between now and November with 5 appointments (one of which requires a trip to England), 2 assignment deadlines and an exam, a hen weekend, 2 weddings, 4 birthdays and planning for moving house.

However I have backblipped to Thursday and I will try and do less last minute boring photos.

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