Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Swim Centre

When did swimming pools stop being pools and become swim centres? I just don't get it, where's the logic behind it? Do they not quite have enough leisure to be a leisure centre but want you to realise they have more than just a pool?

Anyhow, we were up again at 7am to go for a swim at the local "swim centre". The bit of roof you can see above the behind the main entrance is the roof over the pool. It has glass panels so that when it's sun is shining you get a lovely sunny swim. Unfortunately The Boy's calf has been playing up so by the time we'd hiked half an hour up the hill to the pool, he decided not to push it and to just sit whilst I swam (another fantastic feature of his trendy smart phone - ebooks!). Managed 50 lengths today, I probably could have done further but I'm building up week by week and the final ten lengths were done with swim gloves so I got more of a work out anyhow.

Today is being spent finishing my residential assignment, it's so much harder than ones in the past have been so I'm not entirely confident about passing it. Maybe it's my lack of understanding when it comes to the igneous and metamorphic rocks compared to sediments but judging by other people's comments, I'm not alone in my struggling.

[edit] The Boy has caved in (no he's not buying me a new phone yet) he's signed up to Blip!

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