Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Muirton Basin, Inverness.

I finished my paintings for the Exhibition very very late last night. Wasn't hugely happy with them (in fact I couldn't sleep for thinking about it and got back up at 2.30am to add some more grasses!) but I like this one a lot more than the other and even got a "that's not too bad..." from my dad - which is high praise indeed! Usually it just a non committal grunt so I was quite chuffed ;)

Managed to get them varnished early this morning (thanks to mum!) and dried and submitted by 10am. It's difficult to photograph them after they've been varnished but there just wasn't time before, so they do look a bit better in person. Marginally...

I'm totally done in today and feeling hellish but pleased with myself for managing to get them in, I really didn't think it was going to be possible!

Now, time to sleep :)

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