Kitchen bunny

This is one of a set of two ornamental bunnies which I've photographed sitting on the kitchen top at the new flat. It's somewhat an emergency blip as I still hadn't been able to find an entry when it's was already getting quite dark.

Today has been another hectic day with a 7 am start at work, a wasted trip to the sanctuary and another run to the new flat with two full bicycle bags. I'd worked an extra 2 hours to get a job finished but would normally still have made it to the sanctuary in time to walk one of their dogs. Unfortunately the walk didn't happen because, unknown to me until I got there, they had closed early at 3 pm because of a shortage of staff. Tomorrow is a public holiday so they will be closed then as well.

This also means that I have the day off and I'll be out for most of it to the Countryside Fair, which always runs over 4 days on the weekend of the 1st November. I've enjoyed visiting it for the last couple of years and am rather looking forward to it as it will be my last day out for a while.

Many thanks for the lovely comments on yesterday's clover blossom blip.

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