Phone Photo Rookie

By JennyT

Nurse Sidles Up to Vampire

I am so behind on browsing journals and posting entries! I will get caught up. Maybe a little bit this weekend. Had to add this pic tonight though. I love the irony of the vampire standing next to the nurse. And doesn't Harry Potter have the perfect expression? The Jedi Knight is perfectly posed. I got really lucky to capture four great faces!

My little boy was a fireman. He skipped his nap today and had the biggest upset I have ever seen when it was time to put the costume on. He ended the night well though. He also went to school for 2 hours today, with his dad sitting in. He wanted to stay longer, but dad had to go.

We walked with friends through town at the annual Goblin Walk, where shops receive trick-or-treaters and then met up with family at my sister-in-law's house. Her kids are getting older (8th and 11th grade), but they still dressed up, which makes me happy.

Happy Halloween!

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