Through my Eyes

By Kelso

Hey, can I drive?

Many, many thanks for my warm welcome back! Your kind comments and favs sent the three amigos from yesterday to the Spotlight and the Favourites. I appreciate every one of your comments - what a wonderful community we have here.

The boys love going for a drive. Each one sticks his head out a side window and you wouldn't believe the looks we get from passers-by! Cars pull up next to us all the time and people ask things like "Are they really dogs. or small horses?" I took them to the drive-in window at the bank today and the girls there love them and give them handfuls of biscuits. Dixie Chick can't jump into the car anymore and doesn't like to be lifted up, so she relaxed at home while we went out.

We are focusing on savoring each day and filling their lives with the little things they love. Not a bad way to live.

This song was playing in my head as we were driving - a shout out to my British friends -have a listen.

“Life is not made up of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years, but of moments. You must experience each one before you can appreciate it.”
― Sarah Ban Breathnach

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