Indian Princess

We had a GREAT Halloween. There was good times to be had by all. I left work early to gather my girl and a friend from the school bus. We headed over to her friend's mama's photography studio to hang out...have treats, and get all costumed up for trick or treating. The treats were tasty. The girls were excited. The costumes were fantastic.

As you can see, my girl was dressed as and Indian princess. Such a fun costume to put together. I'm so grateful to a friend who gave us the Saree to adapt for her size. It was so perfect, and made it so I didn't have to really do any sewing this year. You can see more of her costume HERE and HERE. My girl's favorite part was the facial gems. You can see them more clearly HERE.

All the costumes were adorable. Check them out.

As it started to get dark, we headed on over to join more friends in their neighborhood for trick or treating. It was so very perfect. Everyone had a wonderful time. I just love Halloween. Can't wait for next year.

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