Prettiest Peacock

We've been planning Sugar's Halloween costume for a few months. My girl wanted to be a peacock....and I was more than happy to pull something together for her. She said, "I guess I'll have to be a boy peacock, if I want to be pretty! Darn it!" She is so cute.

I had to work, and Sugar had school on Halloween, but it was only a half day for her, so I picked her up and ran back to work to wrap up a few things since I'm going to be gone from work allllllll next week. AGAIN. This time Vegas.....for a conference for work.

After we finished up the tasks we headed over to my brother's house to hang out until trick or treat time. Sugar had a nice time visiting with her cousins and a friend while I chit chatted with my brother until my SIL came home and we got the girls in their costumes. Sugar LOVES her costume....and so do it. You can see the complete costume HERE! and another shot of my pretty girl HERE! Loving these colors so much.

Sugar had a perfect time trick or treating, and got tons of compliments on her costume. When we got back to my brother's house, the girls sorted their candy, and did some trading. It worked out well for everyone.

Sugar and I hit the road home, and I got pulled over for drunk driving......except.....I don't drink. So.....I learned that I ought not each peanuts in the shell while driving. No was a great learning experience for Sugar Bear. She had tons of questions. I had a few giggles about it afterwards. We made it safely home, and Sugar was in bed by 10:30. So happy to have Halloween not on a school night.

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