Finlay's Photo Blog

By finlayniven

USA Day 14 -The End

I have to first appologise for the quality of the photo I wanted a photo that sort of summed up the trip whith my ugly mugg in it as well!

Today I finish my travel blog, the trip has been very successful and is now at an end. Boston, New York and Washington DC have all been amazing to see and I am so glad to have kept track of it here for the last two weeks. This being the summer of my third year of Uni this is probably my last proper long holiday so my last chance to travel in this way.

There have been many highlights to the trip too many to list here. However one day stands out above all else: the day we went to see jimmy fallon at NBC. There is now video evidence of this trip on you tube where you can see me behind the singer of Jet!

This may be my last blog of the holiday but certainly not my last ever. I do hope to continue this blipfoto into this coming year. I want to thank all those who have been reading and who have commented, it is such a great community here I am glad to be apart of it.

Finlay xx

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