
By Houseonahill6

Pot of gold

I think I found my pot of gold after yesterdays rainbows. The sky was a mass of colour and then turned golden as the sun came up and also reflected in the sea.
The day started well and that was it as by lunchtime the rain started and it has nt stopped. Quite a few roads are flooded.

It was the Girl Guiding AGM at Evanton today. It's always nice to meet up with other guider from Ross shire. I was pleased that all three photos I had sent in of the events throughout the year were used in the Annual review leaflet. I was also awarded with a certificate and badge for my 5 years of service. Plenty of Guiders also received awards some for 20 and 30 year service.

The Evanton Brownies and Rainbows sang some songs and we joined in a traditional campfire song, Campfires burning . We all said our new Promise which I agree with as it's now more inclusive although some of the older members are not so keen.
The new Promise reads:

I promise that I will do my best:
To be true to myself and develop my beliefs,
To serve the Queen and my community,
To help other people
To keep the (Brownie) Guide Law.

We popped down to Rosemarkie Beach after lunch in a pub in Evanton and saw two very big tractors moving all sorts of wood, including pallets, fence panels and chairs. to make the biggest bonfire I have ever seen. Not sure if we will brave the weather and there's no where close to park or a good view point so we'll see.

Enjoy your evening and stay safe.

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