Little Minx

Sometimes being a parent to teenagers in bloomin' exhausting.

By comparison...a six year old is a doddle. Ok, she get's up at ridiculous o'clock and wants you to play Monopoly first thing in the morning when you are half asleep. But she always tells you she loves you.

On the other hand...teenagers seem to bring one logistical problem after another. Broken phones, ipods, lifts here and there, haemorrhaging money from every orifice. Sometimes I hanker for the old days when they were little and all you had to worry about was bits of Polly Pocket being sucked up your hoover.

Mr S has gone to tackle the dismantling of Grandpa S's house. The big girls are out this evening to a Halloween fundraiser - to raise funds for No 1's class trip to Chogoria next Summer. Here's No 2 and her friend C. Beautiful to look at, expensive to handle and sometimes a mental challenge ! XXX

Me...? Well I'm just knackered. I have poured a large glass of something with bubbles and I intend to immerse myself in X Factor and this month's camera mag.


Have a great Saturday night.

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