wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

He won't be saying that again

This afternoon I watched my niece Tori and her team play at UNE. Her school Wentworth won. 2 to 1 in double overtime. As my niece was running in front of us she was hit very hard in the ribs by the ball kicked by another player. It's soccer it happens. It completely knocked the wind out of her. She has been playing for 16 years. She is way tough. As she bent over to catch her breath, a group of young students from UNE started yelling at her"Hey baby feel that burn" and other disgusting things. Without a second delay I looked at the most ill mannered and yelled "Shut up she's ours" I think I hissed also. All I know is the anger I felt was so visceral. The young man turned and said sorry.

My father could not come to the game as he did not feel up to it.
I had taken movies of the game yet can't post them on my facebook or show them to him because of the f word all over that recording.

So now I know why I never go to sporting events.
You know this is a school that is mostly a college of Osteopathic Medicine. It occurred to me, these young men may become doctors however, The young women on the field will be the people that invent the technology they will use.

They should be more respectful.

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