Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Welcome to your new home

It's been a funny kind of day today. Got up at 7am for find the other half was already up and downstairs bleeding the radiators. Oh good I thought. Would be nice to have the heating working and have a productive day fixing up things in the house.....this is when it all started to go wrong! When turning on the kitchen tap we noticed that we had lost water pressure. When we went to investigate we found a pipe in the airing cupboard had burst and water was shooting out everywhere!!!! To cut a long story short me and P ran to grandmas house and left J to sort it out haha

After getting washed and ready at grandmas we then headed off into town for coffee and cake and a play.

Luckily the emergency plumber came to the house and all is sorted now and we are back home (just hoping we don't have to foot the bill!)

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