Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Bonfires & Fireworks

P's first experience of fireworks tonight.

The local scout groups hold an event most years by the sounds of things, so we thought we would pop along and have a look.

P has been excited all day and couldn't wait to get her Wellington boots and big winter coat on and get out after tea time. It was only a short walk from the house. So after a quick look on google maps we set off into the dark. As soon as we got close we were greeted by a fantastic community atmosphere and felt right at home among all the other families. Soon the bonfire was lit and the show began. P watched for about a minute and then decided she had seen enough and clung to me for the rest of the time! She quite liked the little ones that whooshed into the sky but the big ones were a bit too much bless her. She very quickly recovered though when a very nice lady offered her a glow stick to play with.

A very enjoyable evening topped off with hot chocolates and an early night

Night night

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