Woody...Bad and Good

I know I can't compete with kimmiekims, and her fabulous Dolly...but into the woods I ventured with Woody...the cowboy from Toy Story.

I'd love to report that it went wonderfully, but that would be a lie.

From the left top corner...going clockwise...

1. "Hey Woody...strike a pose like the Wyoming cowboy, and give me your best YEE-HA!!!" Nothing.
2. "Woody...please don't climb that apple tree!! You're going to either bruise the apples, or hurt your own little "apples." He kept climbing.
3. "Stay off the fence!!" He went all Roy Rogers on me. "Don't fence me in Tim!!"
4. "Please don't do any more climbing!" He climbed. "Well...if you are going to climb...don't hold your arms like a chorus girl!" Still...he danced.
5. "You're going to have to sit up if you want to swing." He wouldn't sit up...so I refused to push him.
6. "Make a face like the forest nymph...moody...with a little pout." All I got was the big toothy grin. (What kind of actor only has one face?)
7. "Taste those berries. I want to know why the birds won't eat them." Just like my grandson Merrick...Woody held up his hand, and said "NO."

7 tries...7 failures. Then my luck changed.

8. "Woody...go up on the top rung of that ladder, so I can frame you against the pretty tree." His response? "Are you crazy? I know...and you know it's not safe up there!! I can't believe you asked me to do it." (Hey...maybe we're getting somewhere.)
9. "Go on the other side of that little birdhouse...and show me that handsome mug. Flash me that famous smile. Work with me baby." OH YEAH! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!

While Woody wasn't too cooperative in my back yard...I love his character in the movies. He lives by the Golden Rule...treating others the way he wants to be treated. He continually exhibits compassion, concern, caring, and camaraderie. Plus...he's funny.

I don't care if he is a cartoon character or not...there's a lesson in there somewhere.

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