Painting Day

But not for me. My son-in-law Doug graciously volunteered to paint our living room, and the upstairs hallway. He started at about 10:30 this morning, and he just finished at 7 p.m. A long day for him.

I asked what I could do to help. He told me to just sit back, and watch him do his magic. Soooo...pretty much all day...all I did was be his go-fer, and hold the ladder when he was on the stairs. I think my paint clothes must have scared him. There must be 37 different colors of paint on them. I think that he thought I would "taint" his masterful work.

He is a meticulous painter. He cuts everything with a 3 inch brush...thinking paint trimmers are for sissies. He then rolls and rolls and rolls. Both spaces look very nice.

This is our first time for an accent wall. We're a little behind the times. If you look in can see the blue color of the paint on Doug's brush. The other walls are called Roasted Cashew. (Who names a paint after a salted nut?)

Merrick came with his dad, and REALLY wanted to help...although I don't think he quite got the concept of the roller. He wheeled it around like there was a puppy on the end. He rolled it underneath the plastic, and said..."I stuck." It was hard to keep him out of the "action"...although I told him to sit back and just watch the magic happen. Grandma Lisa did a great job of keeping him occupied until my daughter got home from work.

Our heartfelt thanks to Doug. I hope he can rest the little squirrel on top of the telephone pole.

Leaving for Florida at 8:15 in the morning. Haven't even started packing yet.

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