Gulf Coast Arts Festival

Went to the arts festival. Despite it being "Gulf Coast Arts Festival" the only thing that was "Gulf Coast" about it was where it was being held; on the Gulf Coast.

Most of the artists seemed to be from the everywhere else apart from local. Which kinda made you wonder whether this was a travelling circus of artists or whether it had really attracted all these artists across the US to our lil old coast.

Love looking at the photography booths. Some were absolutely brilliant, and some were a bit "meh". I could do "meh" if I wanted and one day I will. If the entry level is what I saw, I reckon I could do that.

But here's the important thing. Even though some of the photography was meh (anything I can do is rated as "meh", even though it was very good), what makes the difference is actually getting off your arse and putting yourself out there. And regardless of whether I think I can do what these guys can do, these guys have invested in their photography and are selling "fine photography" images. And for that they get my respect.

The world is about people who do things, and people who critize. I'd like to think I'm in the former camp. I may have lots of ideas that I don't/can't pursue, but there are times when I do! Hence FotoStelvio and SSAF.

My wife and myself ended the outing with lunch at Jacos at the marina. Absolutey stunning part of the world, really nice restaurant, and escaped with a $27 lunch bill! Which isn't half bad in our book. And the wife got merrily lit as well which is a bonus.

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