Ugly Fans

I'm very torn about these fans. They are ugly. No doubt about it. But.....when I went to Lowes and Home Depot to find the light kit (there were no lights on the bottom) I discovered that the replacement cost of these fans was $180 each! And they'd still need the fan kit for another $40. And there are 3 fans!

I simply could not replace these fans with $25/$36 contractor fans. I simply could not bring them down and leave them on the sidewalk to be binned (selling on Craigslist probably won't happen), knowing that they cost $180 each.

So I got the light kits anyway. They look a little better with light kits. A little better. Hopefully the future tenants will love these fans because I sure as hell don't. And I want to kill the person who put them up. Awful awful awful.

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