Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini


With The Melbourne Cup tomorrow, the kids in little dude's class made hats to rival the fashions on the field. They cam pouring out of the classroom; the boys all with dapper, sparkly, feathery top hats; the girls with flowery, sparkly fascinators.
Now, my little dude is always last out of the classroom for whatever reason... And he is very much his own person, not a typical boy.... So it didn't entirely surprise me when he came out with his faaaaaaaabulous fascinator, and struck up this weirdest of poses. Of course I had to take a photo..... Which was difficult while laughing as much as I was.
Laughter in my current state is NOT the best medicine. It hurts. However, it was very much needed after a very gloomy, sad Monday.

He is still wearing his fascinator, too. It stayed on whilst on a bus to the supermarket, at the supermarket, on the bus home from the supermarket.... Its been more than two hours since school let out for the day, and it has not left his head. Boys teased him for wearing/making a girlie fascinator, but he was completely unphased. :D

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