Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Sleeping cutie

After an action packed Saturday playing in the backyard, relishing the glorious, warm weather Melbourne offered today, my little munchkin was completely wiped out barely after finishing dinner.
He went all mummy's boy after an entire day of being Mr Independent, and wanted some snuggle time.... And he flaked out almost immediately. Me, still being largely out of action, spent the day in my super sexy cow print pajamas (incidentally, picked out by the munchkin as my mother's day or birthday present with a delighted squeal of "mum, these pajamas would be perfect for you".... Thanks, kiddo), but I couldn't resist taking a photo of this. While he is still an epic mummy's boy, these still, tranquil moments are few and far between because he is always a busy body.... Take a picture, it will last longer.

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