Listening Beneath the Surface

I don’t refer often to my work on blip, partly to do with respecting confidentiality and partly about leaving some boundary between my professional life and the websphere.

But…. It is part of who I have become so here’s my stethoscope. Not my first one , others have fallen by the wayside, but I’ve not lost this one for over 12 or more years, it’s been to to the other side of the world and back with me, I’m sure if it could tell stories it would have many fascinating ones to tell.
I don’t think about it much, it just hangs around and gets used frequently. I remember getting my first one with my medical student colleagues – it felt like a right of passage, but then we hadn’t a clue what we could hear with it, now I’m less excited by it, but it is often a vital part of my art and experience has left me more skilful in its use.
In the mad world of biometrics and big pharma driven prescribing in medicine I like that listening, really listening and not just with tools of the trade such as this remains core and vital to my craft in understanding, diagnosis and healing.

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