Friday Foto

By drmackem

I am not here by mistake

Teaching team have arrived from all corners of the globe in the last 24hours and despite the jet lag and not knowing each other we made substantial progress and planning and becoming a team.

Workshop tomorrow - lets see how it goes

I am not here by mistake? - ask me again in a week.

Karen here and her husband are the getting the venue ready to receive 2500 delegates to the conference, there were a lot of parts lying round that were gradually coming together into some sense of a whole, the parts that were completed by the time we left the venue were really striking and engaging. I even asked her if I could photo her t shirt - thats a first..

So I won't mention this again but the second person apostrophied plural pronoun y'all is imho a most marvellous word, it makes the world a better place, it seems so generous and inclusive. The locals utter it so wonderfully that I'm sure if I heard the improbable sentence, "Hi y'all you just come on right in and I'll dismember y'all" I'd willingly and happily comply.- though it might suggest that I was here by mistake.

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