Yonder pheasant, who is he?
Nearly time for Good King Wenceslas! In the Newport Wetlands, there weren't a lot of birds visible, apart from the vast horde of starlings as dusk descended, which Cathaber has blipped, but this cock pheasant did spend a moment strutting its stuff. The wetlands are a marvellous area. It's the first time I've visited them, and I look forward to further visits - particularly in spring when the birds are courting and things springing. Adjacent is a power station, with what appears to be the national collection of pylons, which have their own charm - plus a couple of wind turbines for good measure. (Actually, I think the two wind turbines do all the generation and the power station is just there for show, and the whole energy business is a massive conspiracy, but then, given the beliefs of our local MP, why not?)
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