
By Houseonahill6

Oakie Doke, Oakie Doke

I knew the pigeons and ravens had been up in the oaks eating acorns and I caught this wood pigeon in the act this morning. I'm surprised that they do nt choke as they seem to be swallowing them whole , cup included. They must grind them up somehow in their stomachs ?
I was also surprised how many acorns there are this year quite a difference from last when there were hardly any.
We had our first real frost this morning with a covering of ice on everything. Soon disappeared when the sun came up although I think those lower down were covered by the Haar. It did look lovely though and I could just see the Kessock Bridge peeping through.
Thank you so much everyone for your comments , stars and favs my sunrise picture made it to the spotlight so I was thrilled. Trying to catch up on replies but falling behind ,sorry.
Off to Brownies later and planting daffodils in pots to raise money for Marie Curie.

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