
By Houseonahill6

Close encounters of the furry kind

This is one of the Pinemartens that visit the garden. Luckily they just pop in eat the nuts and off they go on their way. They are getting their winter coats and arriving as it gets dark to start feeding. Their claws are amazing and they are very flexible ideal for climbing trees and clambering around looking for food.

It was hard to choose what to blip today. I really liked this silhouette of a horse with the sunsetting. There was also a great double rainbow over the Church of Scotland and on the point.

It's been a lovely day even with the heavy showers later in the day as that brought the rainbows and lovely light. I managed to clear the decking of leaves.Looks much better now. Still waiting to clear the poppies and corn flowers but they are still blooming so that will have to happen another day.

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