Something for the weekend

This is the other half of Geoff's twin which was cooked tonight then placed in the freezer ready for the weekend!

Busy day, loads of emails after only one day off, then lost over two hours to meetings, on the up side Geoff is working a later shift for the next couple of weeks so I went in with him at 7.30 and then left at 16.00, went to the gym, then home to cook soup and have a very labour free dinner of pizza and salad.

Think I will have a 'long' day at work tomorrow as starting to twitch a bit with jobs building up, this is generally what I do to clear the desk so that I can start the next day afresh. Party is suddenly looming, 14th November, and with two courses starting, one Sunday, one Monday, there is a fair bit of prep to do. Enough moaning...more knitting is required!

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