Blipping the woman who thought it was Thursday!!??

Spent this afternoon thinking it was Thursday, even messaged Maddie in NZ asking her if she was going to skype could it be a bit later as I wouldn't be home until 19:30, wondered why she said she was working on a Friday and why she said she would skype on Thursday, even replied and said 'ok our Friday, your Saturday works' assuming she was wrong........................then about 18:55 I realised I was the stupid person and it was Wednesday!!??

Still not where I want to be with work but just not enough time to get physically get things done.

Finance meeting not quite what I wanted, boss asked if I was happy, said it would be alright when they stopped talking, started doing and showing less errors.

About six times in the last year they have managed to over pay a speaker or instructor or bursary particpant, once they paid someone who claimed in US $ in UK £, another time they added the two claim lines up to the total and paid double the amount, another person was due £750 maximum which was clearly stated and they paid him over £1000.

I know no one is perfect but when it comes to money there really shouldn't be this number of errors. I have worked in accounts and in payroll, I am not perfect but there really shouldn't be a situation where we are asking people who have worked for us to pay money back.

In the old days with payroll, I had to pay in cash, it was in decimals, around 1980, but I had a set amount withdrawn from the bank and if there was a penny over I had to open all the pay packets and start again. I know digital is supposed to be more efficient but sometimes it isn't seen as real money and people aren't as careful,

Rant over.............sorry xxx

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