
By rosesinDecember

Look who's standing

You've been standing with a little help for a couple of weeks so we knew this moment wasn't far away and yet, it was still a surprise when I left the room briefly to walk back in and discover you smiling proudly at your reflection. Another confident milestone and a bittersweet moment as your Mummy seeing your independence grow and that in another small way, you'll no longer rely on me to find your feet.

It was a very cold, frosting morning this morning, we wrapped up and headed to meet many dogs "Henny's friends" and eagerly ask, "What's a name?" to greet a Zeppher, Ben, Nanook, Tia, Connie and others. We met Holly and J, Amy, J, J and R and did a few laps of Inverleith. E and J had a screaming match from the safe distance of their pushchairs, it was toddler one up man ship at its finest especially when E thought she had the ultimate trump card " my daddy is a horse" alongside a quick rendition of "incy wincey spider". J was quick to retort, " I not talk to E, I talk to my Mummy," and that was the end. E headed to mini French amsing Granny with constant chatter especially, "I not got a cottage " and A and I went off to meet adorable six week old Romy.

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