Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Chick Chick Chick

First day back after half term today. Some grumpy tired faces this morning. We got as far as washes, teeth cleaning and breakfast and was about to get L dressed when a little pimple on her shoulder caught my attention. It looks suspiciously like the chicken pox. Although there is only one proper blister, he has some friends that look like they might be joining him.

I kept L off from preschool to be on the safe side as she's quite tired and grumpy anyway. We watched DVDs and read The Hungry Caterpillar a lot!

The other two girlies had a good first day back at school. A new girl has started in E's class and E was given responsibility for showing her the ropes. All I have heard since she has been home is "X does this, X thinks this is great, X did the funniest thing at school today, X has her hair like this", shortly followed by "my friends say X is hogging me".... Hmm, I think there may be trouble ahead with some of the hardcore girls in E's class. X sounds incredible though ;-)

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