Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Wet and dripping from every possible surface today. The River Mole coming through Cobham has flooded it's banks but luckily it has not come into the High Street, as the recent major work done there to prevent that seems to have worked. Even the ducks were looking for dry, high ground! The surrounding farmers' fields looked like lakes yesterday afternoon as they are also all flooded.

So an indoor blip seemed likely, and after wasting half an hour trying to capture water splashes as I dropped various items into a 'water tank' (in reality my glass vase) I came to the conclusion that I was not going to master that little project. My main problem was reflections from the room onto the sides of the glass vase which spoiled the effect. Instead we have some winter berries dripping wet.

Off to book club tonight - I enjoyed our read, which was The Paris Wife, a fictional account of the life of Ernest Hemingway and his first wife in Paris. He may have been a talented writer, but was not a very nice husband...

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