Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Into the light

I felt very sad to say goodbye to Luke this morning - he will be back when this course finishes on 20 December, but hopefully he will also be back in the first week of December if he gets a university interview.

The light was lovely in the woods today, and this walker caught my eye.

I have noticed that Spotlight is a bit erratic again - some brilliant images on there, and some 'how the hell did that get there?' ones too. I agree with another blipper who mentioned that we are entitled to know how these images are chosen - It is formulaic and sometimes the formula gets it wrong, as for a month the same journal can appear nearly every day, regardless of the image. Some images appear that have comments and stars switched off, so it cannot be on popularity...It was mentioned that as we pay a subscription cost, we should be entitled to know how it works. I agree with that sentiment, I don't like being kept in the dark - besides, without us contributing there would be no blip! (I probably will now be blacklisted...)

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