Thank you all my dear Blip friends!

Thank you all my dear Blip friends!

Your comments on my 300th Blipday yesterday was absolutely overwhelming and humbling! I am immensely inspired by the kind words, sometimes even words of praise, in your comments! Although I am sure that I don't really deserve all of it, I am still proud and, as I said, humbled, by all of it!

Blipland is a great place to be! Here you can just be yourself, be inspired by other Blipper's work and words, learn precious lessons of life, give your support when you feel someone needs it, and........eisch, I can go on and on and on!

Thank you once more to Joe and Blepcentral for making this site available to all of us and to all my Blip friends for just being!

Hope you'll al have a cracking week!

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