Afternoon Nap.

Sorry guys!! Couldn't resist once more!

I was busy making banana bread this afternoon, (yes M&Z, take note!!!) just after lunch, when C called me to see this spectacle!! Can you imagine, sleeping with your little bum in your sister's face and to top it all, your tail almost in her ear? Eisch!

Milo is almost 3 ½ months old now and Chino will be 3 months old on 15 September

R snr and jnr were taking their two bikes for a wee ride after lunch, jnr being vérrrry nervous, it was his very first encounter in normal traffic, he is only used to riding in the complex! He is such a sweetie pie, not really taking chances or doing things his parents will not approve of. Very sensible and law obiding! Hope it stays like that, hey? ;-) I love him to bits!!

I am almost done thanking everyone for comments on my 300th blip. Please bear with me, I'm getting there!! ;-)

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