Chasing llamas

Today I was trotting along the lane, like the well behaved little collie that I usually am, when all of a sudden.............................. I came face to face with a llama!

For a split second neither me or the llama knew what to do. Then the llama ran past me. Well I immediately went into chase mode.

I chased the llama all the way down the lane. Llamas can run quite fast and I couldn't catch him. Ann was yelling at me to come back but when I'm in chase mode I don't bother paying any attention to anything Ann might want me to do.

Eventually he jumped over a wall and went back into his field. I could have jumped over the wall too, because I'm pretty sure I can jump higher than a llama. However I was a bit tired by then so couldn't be bothered to chase him round his field.

I went trotting back along the lane to Ann in good little collie mode.

Chasing llamas is almost as exciting as chasing surfers!!!

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