Posties, skateboarders, buses.................

...............My biggest nightmare would be seeing a postie, with a skateboard, getting onto a bus??!!!

OK – that scenario is probably never, ever, going to happen, but Ann was in the ‘Guides’ so she likes to ‘be prepared’!

Anyway today Ann, & her very lovely boss, Steve, went off to the St Ives Business Fair all day.

I was a bit worried because I knew my dog sitter was on holiday and I know that Ann would never leave me by myself for the whole day so I wasn’t sure who would be looking after me.

.................Turns out Matt was looking after me. I LOVE MATT.

Ann is very fussy about who looks after me.....................

................Apparently I’m not a very easy little collie to look after...............

Conversation between Ann & Matt yesterday:

Ann – ‘When you pick Molly up, make sure her lead matches her collar; she never goes out in an ‘un matching’ outfit and because she’s going to spend the afternoon at 'STAR' she will be wearing her star collar so will need her star lead.

Matt – ‘Can you leave some poo bags out for me?’ He’s very practical is Matt!

Ann – ‘You must say alert at all times – No talking to your girlfriend on the phone, no listening to music, no faffing about on FB’. Because Ann gives me 100% of her attention I’m not used to people ignoring me on my walks!

Matt – I’ll take her for a run in the field.

Ann – ‘That will be fabulous but please keep a look out for posties, skateboarders and buses.’ If I see any of those I go mad! I bark, I pull on my lead and just generally try and get to them.

Matt – ‘I’ve got quite a low voice’. Presumably he thought if he said ‘NO’ in a low voice I would immediately stop doing anything naughty...................

Anyway Matt walked me up to STAR and I only saw one bus (& no posties or skateboarders) so that wasn’t too bad, Sue gave me some treats. Treats are very yummy. And then Joe took me in the field. So I’ve been very well looked after today.

When Ann picked me up at 4.30pm she took me for a run down on the beach before we went home.

..................And tonight we’re staying in together for snuggles on the sofa.

Ann really wants to go out with her friends to drink mulled wine at the firework display down on the beach .......................... But she won’t because no way will she leave me ‘home alone’ tonight. I’ve already heard a couple of fireworks going off and I’m lying shaking in my bed.

Tonight we will snuggle up together and watch TV.

Happy Guy Fawkes Night Blippers x

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