
By fennerpearson

Old Town Paul

Very early last year, I joined a project, participation in which required only that you simply post a photo a day for 366 days. (I've overshot a bit!)

There were a group of us taking part who all followed each other on Tumblr and it became a lovely little community, which I really enjoyed being part of. When the project came to an end - quite raggedly, as we finished on different days - a handful of us came across to Blipfoto and those people have all been unnecessarily and very kindly supportive of my efforts, this year, especially considering that this blog is (CLEARLY) more about the picture than the technique.

When I have run into technical issues, most regularly the problems arising from taking photos in poor light, such as at gigs, Old Town Paul has been unfailingly helpful. In fact, he nearly always takes the trouble to comment on my posts, too. He is a very lovely man.

Last weekend, I asked for some advice and, once again, Paul came to my assistance. So, here's my first photo taken using his latest tip.


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