Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Up, Up and Away

I left The Dalles early this morning and drove the two hours into Portland through moderate rain and fog. I was so hoping to get at least another good shot of the Columbia River Gorge before I left, but it was not to be. The visibility through most of the Gorge was about 100 feet.

I came away from my meeting with our attorney with far more questions and issues that I came in with. I think I am more convinced than ever that this may not be the best deal for my client. But that is for tomorrow.

After my meeting, I caught the next flight out back to Denver. This is a shot in the Portland airport. I really liked the perspective, the light and the oblique lines.

J picked me up and we went to visit my mother-in-law. She was barely cognizant that we were there, and didn't recognize us - which was the first time. She can barely swallow now. Her nurse said that she has a very short time left - probably days. J had already notified all the family members, but few have even responded. In particular, my oldest daughter hasn't even responded, which breaks my heart. But that is a story for another time.

So, now I am back home with J and the pups. Happy homecoming. They really missed me and I missed them so much.

Hope you all have a good night and a great day tomorrow.

Thank you all for your great comments, stars and favs for my "Oregon" series. Your comments have meant a great deal!

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