wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Life without him

He was my best friend. I came home from work everyday to a snug and a kiss. he slept every night in my arms. This past year was one of tremendous change. He let me hug him and cry and when I lost my Mum. When I thought all was lost on so many parts of my life, he was there with a hug or a kiss or a purr to let me know as long as he was there I would be OK. He went into congestive heart failure yesterday and threw a clot to his legs. I had to take him to the Vet to have him euthanized yesterday.
Henry was 10 year old orange cat. Henry on 9/22/13Sunday 22 September I blipped him in his glory.

I loved him so much. You see he was my cat. He really didn't like anyone else.

For those of us without children these little furry people become our babies. They give us comfort where no one else can. We tell them our deepest secrets, and they never spill them. ever.

I have had many cats and lost them. Each one is painful. This was the worst. I told him before he died that my Mother would be there for him. I also asked him to send me another orange kitty someday when I was ready. You see these guys teach us love at the most basic. Now I have learned all that, it seems selfish not to share that. Henry has a sister Ethel and a brother Fred. His Aunt Mia also lives with us. These 3 cats know he's gone.

Ethel won't leave me alone. or maybe she's just hungry..........................life goes on.

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