Boards and Blues

Gorgeous light today - I spent most of the day witnessing it out of the corner of my eye through the office window!

Lunchtime we headed off to the City Park for a fish butty and a bit of sunshine - glorious :o) When the sunlight falls on the sandy coloured stonework of some of the iconic buildings of Bradford it can look very special. I did try some mono experiments with it but how could I lose those blues and golds?

I've been working tonight, so I was glad to have got my photo during the day. It's a gorgeous clear evening though. A silver sliver moon and stars amazingly bright. Cold but 'good' cold. Crispy cold. It would have been the *best* night of the year to be camping in the hills, in a good sleeping bag sat outside on a tarp with a stove as the stars fill the sky. And they really would fill it I reckon!

I think I need to get out this weekend :o)

Thank you for the response to yesterday's photo - I was pleased with that one, especially as I wasn't expecting to be able to get anything nearly like that in the darkness! Lightroom helped too :o)

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