
By Charlie17

Tomato Arranging Six!!!!

I can hardly believe this. I had to call an extra-extra meeting of the tomato arranging class.
Some members still had some tomatoes and they insisted on a last challenge. It was decided that it should be on a festive theme so here is my entry.
I wonder if anyone can guess what festival my blip is based on?

I saw Jimmy Webb in Aberdeen in 1999. ( I don't have a fantastic memory for dates. I just google it)
Jimmy Webb, the composer of Wichita Lineman, By The Time I Get To Phoenix, Do What You Gotta Do etc
There was just him and a piano, singing songs and telling stories and I thought he was brilliant.
He's not the greatest of singers and stretched to hit the high notes but still wonderful. I saw him on Jools Holland on Tuesday performing with Justin Currie.
This is By The Time I Get To Phoenix.
P.S. These really are the last of my tomatoes. ( Until next year)
I had put them in a drawer to ripen them and forgotten about them.

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