
By Charlie17

Sitting Pretty!

It's fairly easy to get our dogs to pose for a photo, just produce sweets. However, the bunnies are a totally different kettle of fish.
With them, I just have to hang around until they do something. I've never been able to photo Dylan sitting up until now.
Quite a busy day today. Down to see my sister as they are moving house next week. Actually that is not quite true. It's the contents of the house they are moving.
Then up to see my sister-in-law. She is having an exhibition of her paintings at a local art gallery.
You could write all I know about art on the back of a postage stamp using a broad tipped felt tip pen!!!!!!!
We saw The Kinks about twenty years ago. Can't remember too much about them except they were loud and Dave Davies had wads of cotton wool sticking out of his ears!!
Waterloo Sunset is my favourite but I rather like this too.
Enjoy the weekend.

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