
By samsticks


Today all of the researchers at work gathered to discuss grant outcomes and our very limited success, as well as strategic planning for the next year and years to come. It's hard to feel optimistic about a career in research when the new government (1) doesn't appoint a science minister, (2) decides to axe up to 1400 jobs in the national science agency and (3) only funds 16.7% of the grants that are actually submitted (bearing in mind that writing them takes a team 4-6 weeks every year). There are more graduates with PhDs for less jobs, and that's only going to get worse.

Although I have a vested interest in it, it still makes me sad that a Western government can be so short-sighted that research and innovation not only don't fit on their radar, but they're actively closing down research that's been going on for years (including one project that I've heard of that's been ongoing for years and only has 4 months left. Nope, it's been turned off).

Anyway, I'm sure that the job market will soon be inundated with science graduates (including at PhD level like myself) who will be looking for more stable sources of income for their future. Time will tell what's in store for us all.

I'd intended to blip something not from home tonight, but once again my best laid plans were thwarted!

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