
By middaypyjamas

29 year old Matthew

It's the 8th of November, which in the Robb family means it's my older brother Matthews birthday. He turned 29 years old today and is sure to have an interesting and life changing year as he will become a father in January, a role I know he will be good at.

Unfortunately Matt isn't the star of today's blip, although you can see him in the background holding one of his presents, of which he got many mostly due to the fact that he's a primary school teacher. While I did get a couple of good shots of him with his cake, which was a colourful and delicious affair made by my sister-in-law Rose, I couldn't go past this one.

The star of todays blip is Ollie, Matt and Rosie's cat. While being somewhat adorable he isn't usually a fan of getting petted of picked up. However today he did seem happy to be my model as he rolled around on the carpet.

The night was spent as all birthdays should be, with a couple of drinks, good food, presents, cake and a bit of chatter. Happy Birthday Matt.


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