Off Centre

By RachelCarter

#Lovember the 8th

Wind power! I love it!

I love all the amazing things we can do to make energy by simply letting the sun shine and the wind blow. It's totally brilliant and makes perfect sense - especially here in North Devon where it is always windy (and can also be sunny!)

I never understand why others are not keen. I look at wind turbines and think of them helping to light our homes and power our ovens, kettles, TVs, showers and toasters, and their potential to still do so much more is really exciting. We switched to Ecotricity years ago so we could support the future development of green energy.

Wind turbines quietly (they are quiet by the way - I stood right next to one in a strong wind (and birds flew around them and between the blades without getting garrotted)) announce renewable safe energy. They are like sculptures of positive progress and the very gentlest kind of industry.

We got our Energy Performance Certificate done today (this involved tidying EVERY room in a super mad panic), and the loan we've been waiting for arrived in our bank account. This means we can now go ahead with greening up our own energy even further. Goodbye shitty old oil burner!

Having, as I do, bad timing, I have uploaded photos at exactly the same time as tea is ready, and I am in trouble with His Nibs.
As His Nibs drove me to the hill in the half light to take photos I'd better skedaddle.

(Shame the sun disappeared and I was left with grainy photos)

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