
By Tryfan46

The Quaggy

I was only able to upload the photograph yesterday so here's the commentary. I went to Catford today for a meeting about ICT with a local authority to see how our company could do business with the authority. We then travelled to Lewisham to catch a train to Charing Cross to meet with our accountant to sort ot a few tax issues. (We don't avoid corporation tax by getting a loan from an offshore company)

On the way back from Lewisham Station to where I parked the car I crossed over a bridge where two London rivers had their confluence - the Ravensbourne and the Quaggy. Just along from there I spotted this shot of the Quaggy hemmed in its concrete channel between two busy roads.

I'd read about the Quaggy and all the other rivers of London in a superb book called "Groundwater Diaries" byTim Bradford. Tim's book follows the course and history of all the streams that flow into London, often now cannalised or in culverts but all full of hisotry.

To quote the Quaggy Website: "urban river flowing though parks and playing fields, behind buildings and under roads. In some places it is nothing more than an open drain, whilst in others it is full of life and a source of pleasure for all". All fascinating stuff and typical of what you can see if you just look a little more than usual. This is one thing Blip has really done for me!

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