
By Doingok

RUBY Red Doors of Redemption

St. Matthews I blipped this church back in June. Things have changed a little, but I still struggle with the traditions and the rituals of organized religion. For me, they hold little meaning. I can't relate, they don't provide a spiritual experience. The pastor of this church recently survived a second bout of life threatening cancer and he is healthy and strong and faithful and loving again. He is the reason I attend the services here (albeit sporadically). I love his sermons, they are inspiring and hopeful and always something I can relate to. He doesn't judge - in his words, that is not his job. He is present and setting an example of love and community spirit. He doesn't expect that his parishioners will show up every week, there are many ways to pray and worship and he is the first to recognize this. He is a former hippie, being of that age, and the earth and our stewardship in it are of prime importance to him. I own spirituality, I embrace it, I believe in it, and so I try to be part of this community of faithful caregivers in ways that reach the real world and speak to my heart. Thankful for people like Fr. Bill who lead the way.

Colour Challenge

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