
of weird weather.

Lovely start to the day - sunshine. Then rain. Then sunshine. Then mid afternoon, in the space of about 5 minutes, all of the light was sucked from the world as a big black storm cloud sat above our house and raged. Epic thunder, brilliant lightning (sadly, not caught on camera), hailstones that caused a white out, torrential rain that melted them shortly afterwards.

Then 10 minutes later, sunshine.

The torrential rain returned, just as Corin and I were walking home from the pub after having had our tea there. Well, teenager is out till late, so we are having to develop the skill of talking to one another !!! It's really quite lovely.

In the absence of consistently good weather, I have pretty much done a 10 hour day in front of the computer. Data analysis, some SEN stuff and some work emails. Tomorrow, more of the same. But you, I love this job, despite having to throw in some extra hours every now and again (?!?!?!!?!?).

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